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Our Club Needs You - Club Launch ‘The Final Push’

Our Club Needs You - Club Launch ‘The Final Push’

GBFC Site Manager20 Feb - 21:40
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Fans Asked To Help Promote - Six ‘Home Game’ Run In

Club Launch ‘The Final Push’ ahead of the remaining Six Home League Games at the AEI.

We are about to commence the final run in to the end of the season, and the BORO’ sit very comfortably in 3rd place after 30 games played.

The relative and real success of the season so far is a credit to everyone involved in Our Community Club.

It’s a job well done so far by our BORO’ Boys, the Coaching Team, the Club Management & Operations Team, Our Volunteers and Most Importantly Our Amazing Fans.

Recent games have clearly demonstrated how the support of our fans home and away, has made all the difference in games that could have gone either way, and the fantastic atmosphere generated by Gosport Fans has helped the team secure countless extra points so far this season…..

With just a dozen games to go…..more than ever…. The Club Needs You.

This is ‘The Final Push’ and the Club is asking its fans to help spread the word, by promoting the remaining Six Home Games as we look to PACK the PARK and cheer the Boys onto Promotion.

Please show your support if you can, by printing off the ‘The Final Push’ Poster and display in your workplace, in your local, maybe ask your local shop to display a copy….anywhere we can to spread the message and promote our final six games.

The more fans we can encourage to get behind the team the better.

Thank you for your Amazing Support this season…it’s been incredible!

With one final push who knows what we can achieve….’Together We Can Do This’


The Final Push - Six Game Poster

Further reading